Four ways to be health in the night

It's hard to get up early or do not have time to exercise in the morning? Spend some time alone to berolaharaga in the afternoon or evening, after work.

Several studies have shown that exercise in the morning to burn calories more effectively than the afternoon or evening. But, there are four benefits you get if you close the day with exercise.

Here are four benefits, as reported by FitSugar.

Healthy choices and saving
Aerobics class or dancing after work, is the right choice and healthy. It keeps you distracted from the activity that it is not healthy. Like, have a drink, dinner out, or watch television for hours after work.

Sleep more soundly
If you include people who actually have more energy at night, do it at home or gym cardio workout with a treadmill. So also when it is difficult to sleep. Exercise will make you sleep easier and when you wake up refreshed in the morning.

More consistent
Have tried to exercise the morning but could not be consistent? Try to change the sport. With exercise the right time and make you comfortable, exercise also tend to be done more consistently.

Reduce levels of stress after work
Piles of work and deadlines are always stressful. Exercise is the best way to reduce stress levels. So, after a weary work, turn your mind to focus your energy to exercise.

6 Bad Effect of Sugar

Sugar is always present in various foods and beverages daily. But too much sugar can increase the risk of several diseases that affect health. Eating lots of sugar turned out to be a pretty terrible effect.
According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the average adult in the United States consume 22 teaspoons of added sugar a day, while teenagers consume 34 teaspoons a day.

Here are 6 of horrible effects of Fitbie sugar was quoted as saying on Sunday (1/22/2012), they are:

1. Increase the risk of diabetesConsuming sugary drinks, such as soft drinks, fruit drinks and sports drinks may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. The results of new studies involving more than 310 000 patients who claimed to drink 1-2 servings a day of sugary foods had an increased risk of type 2 diabetes by 26 percent. Consuming sugary drinks tend to cause weight gain, which is a risk factor for diabetes.

2. High-glycemic diet can cause acne
According to a study published in the journal Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, food intake can affect the skin. High-glycemic foods, such as refined carbohydrates, sugar-sweetened beverages, and even certain fruits can cause big spikes in blood sugar when eaten.
While the low-glycemic foods, such as whole grains are broken down into sugar more slowly. So that these foods do not cause blood sugar spikes. The researchers found that the low-glycemic diet experienced a 50 percent reduction in acne.
While the high-glycemic diet experienced a 14 percent increase. The researchers speculate that insulin resistance, commonly associated with eating high-glycemic diet may cause inflammation and production of oil causes acne.

3. Increase the risk of heart disease
Eating excessive amounts of fat are not the only one that increases the risk of heart disease. Sugar also plays a direct role in health. A study found people who consumed more than 17.5 percent of calories from sugar, about 20-30 percent more likely to have high triglyceride levels. Triglycerides are a type of fat found in blood. If you consume more sugar than necessary, then the excess sugar in the form of triglycerides stored in fat cells. High triglycerides and low HDL levels contribute to atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a condition of hardening of the arteries which increases the risk of heart disease, stroke and heart attack.

4. Increase the likelihood of depression
"Eating sugar and carbohydrates can boost mood, but it triggers the body releases the hormone serotonin," says Teitelbaum. Excess sugar can affect mood. Some experts believe that insulin resistance may force the release of stress hormones cortisol and GLP-1. "Behavioral disorders, in general, influenced by the amount of sugar consumed. Fluctuations in blood sugar levels and mood boost metabolism, "says Teitelbaum.

5. Increase the risk of fungal infections
"Increasing the body's blood sugar can help yeast fermentation," says Teitelbaum.
Fungal infections in the mouth are usually caused by an overgrowth of Candida fungus. When blood sugar is very high, the excess sugar in the saliva and urine provides a perfect breeding ground for mold.

6. Increase the risk of cancer
"The relationship between sugar and cancer is quite frightening. Although not proven that sugar causes cancer growth in the body directly, but obesity may increase the risk of developing some cancers, "said Bennett. Numerous studies show a strong association between consumption of sugar and increased cancer risk. Women with very high blood sugar levels are much more likely to suffer from breast cancer. The ideal daily intake of sugar Based on the British Nutrition Foundation's recommendation, the maximum daily intake of sugar for a normal adult is 90 grams or not more than half a cup. Amount of 90 grams of sugar has included all types of sugar, either refined sugar or artificial sweetener, also derived from food or drinks that contain sugar. When people eat sugar exceeding the recommended daily intake, the body will increase the release of calcium through the urine, causing dental caries and some serious diseases such as diabetes and its complications such as heart disease.
If someone is eating more than 100 grams of sugar, it can reduce the ability of white blood cells to kill the bad bacteria or virus in the body by 40 percent. The immune system will begin to decrease 30 minutes after food is consumed and will continue to be reduced by over 5 hours.


The sign of LOVE of ur heart

The heart beats faster. Every time he looked, you could feel the blast of energy, even the blood that coursed through his body. Is this love?

The scientists found there were many signs of physical or mental, which reveals that you are in love. When in love, the body will send a signal that this person could be a couple.
There are some traits that tells that you are in love, not just fascinated, as quoted Yourtango:

1. Always wanted to look at him
Dr. Lucy Brown, a neuroscientist and professor at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine reveals that the most important one eye when a person falls in love. When you're in the heart, without knowing you will be hard to look away from the object that you care.

Humans will naturally make eye contact, and will do so for the sake of romance. "One manifestation of love is daydreaming about the p
erson and always look at him."

2. Feels floating by
When talking about your new lover, you often talk about it with passion and not get bored, as if you've just had a super supplement.
"Falling in love makes people fly, just like euphoria in those who consume cocaine," says Dr. Brown.
Physical symptoms such as falling in love addicts: increased energy, heart rate and blood pressure rise. Even some people feel unable to sleep or eat only a little. This effect of dopamine in the brain produces large amounts of time to fall in love, as well as chemical norepinephrine which speeds up the heart when I saw him to sweat and feel nervous around him.

3. Unable to resist the urge to always touch

Not only want to see it visually, you will always want to be close to the people you love. This explains why someone like you right now to do anything to just touch the hand or touch his hair.
Dr. Bianca Acevedo, guest scientist at the University of New York said, when in love, without knowing each other's body leaning against one another. This is a physical manifestation of the brain to achieve emotional closeness with loved ones.

4. Could not stop thinking about it

High dopamine levels make a person will think about your loved one to 85 percent each day, known as 'intrusive thoughts'.
According to Dr. Brown, "In the early stages of romantic love, most people always think of their loved ones and become an obsession. Although sound extreme, it is normal." If less than 40 percent, then it's not real love. The level of obsession when falling in love is often associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder. "

Obsessive compulsive disorder patients were given treatment by increasing their serotonin levels. Scientists have found, a decrease of serotonin in the brain cause similar behavior when someone falls in love.
Some experts claim to fall in love is one kind of addiction rather than emotion. Love also activate cortical and subcortical regions of the brain, addiction-related drugs.

5. Love to fade

Feelings of passionate love, and over time will ramp ups and downs. Some couples stay together for maintaining and keeping in mind the romance and affection.
Not just "along for the sake of the children", love the couple developed and transmitted to their offspring. Some scientists agree that love is not diminished, but always evolving. Dr. Brown agreed that if they fall in love, "you know when it happened." (Eh)


Could we detect the lies person

Detect lies? Maybe this is a very difficult thing, because lying is a psychological problem that can not be known other than those that lie alone. In addition, many other factors that make it difficult to detect a lie, because the signs of a lying or telling the truth, sometimes does not show a difference, especially for a liar.

One of the current scientific explanations that seek to explain and expose the lies are the body's physiological system. Lying is believed to have an influence on the physiology of the body patterns such as improper release of hormones (hormones lie), the appearance of physical behavior that is not fair, and behavioral responses appropriate response.
One example is to detect lies through eye contact. People who are believed to lie in the enlargement of the pupils affected, for trying to cover up his lies and excuses instead of telling the truth. So that people who lie, eye contact is sometimes difficult to be invited. But, what if the person is a liar who lied, so they can deceive his interlocutors, with the eyes of an older box to convince his interlocutor. This is the weakness of lie detection through eye contact.
Another example is detecting lies through body gestures. People who lie believed to be anxious because of his lies. In fact, people who lie to the physical energy to the energy shift of the brain to look for a good reason to cover his lies. So sometimes people lie seemed calmer. Arbitrary even this is not too precise to detect lies.
So far the assumption that a lie can be detected through eye contact, anxiety for the liar is not the proper way to detect lies. Could be, if it is used, can cause a fatal error.
To solve this problem, experts in the 1980s invented a lie detection (lie detector). It works by measuring the chemical and physiological activity of the body, blood flow / blood pressure (heart rate), and detection of skin (perspiration measuring tip of the finger). Is it true that these tools can accurately detect lies?
Some countries in the year of the 1990s using this tool as a criminal interrogation. Thus, by using this tool, one can read lying or not. However, scientific studies indicate that the data provided by the tool is very biased, so it can not be used as a benchmark people are lying or not. If the tool is still in use (some states still use it), it will generate a fatal conclusion.
There is no scientific explanation and tools that can detect lies with the person accurately. So you do not use methods that have been believed by many to be one way of lie detection. All methods were not accurate, and certainly, you hasilkanpun conclusions about a person will be very fatal.

Healthy with love

Falling in love is the word most people it's millions. In fact, a study reveals the benefits of falling in love in terms of health.

As quoted by page Idiva, pure and sincere emotion beneficial for health. But keep in mind, the benefits can only be felt if a person is in a relationship that is stable and comfortable.

These health benefits can you feel when you're in love:

Be happier
"Being in a romantic relationship that allows your body to release more happy hormones. These hormones cause the feeling happier. You are also able to reduce the anger."

"You are in a great mood and all the people around you will feel the positive aura," said psychologist from Mumbai, H'vovi Bhagwagar.

Enhance Immunity

Falling in love can boost your immunity. "You are more calm and always think positive. This reduces the risk of colds and coughs," said H'vovi. And conversely, feel depressed or sad makes you vulnerable to attack from the common cold and flu viruses. It is also the risk of causing stomach problems.

Reduce aches and pains
"Being in a stable relationship, giving you comfort. These feelings help you cope with pain," said the doctor Dhwanika Kapadia. When in love, couples tend to always give you the motivation to help you get out of pain you feel.

Increase the concentration

A loving couple and always show concern allows you more excited about doing these tasks while at work.

"Your mind is not busy worrying about family or how you feel about your partner," said H'vovi. This lets you concentrate on your work and thus improve your performance. "When you are happy, you feel better, more creative," said H'vovi.

More regular menstrual cycles

Woman's menstrual cycle depends on many things, such as health and nutrition. Stress is an important factor as well. "Women in a stable long-term relationships tend to feel depressed. Therefore it has fallen in love feeling the symptoms of PMS can also affect women," said H'vovi.

Avoid stress
Married women or those who already have a lover, it is likely to feel anxious or have a trivial matter very little. They know that they have a partner who understand each other and feel each other.

"Pain has a support system, helps you handle problems with ease," said Dhwanika. This makes the stress is reduced and the risk of high blood pressure too low, including tension and migraine.
• VIVAnews

Get Better in 50 age

Do not be afraid to face the age of 50. Indeed, you will face menopause. But, at this age a lot in terms of health benefits that can be obtained. Starting from a better sex life, rarely suffer from allergies and many more.
Do not believe it? Find out fun facts at the age of 50 based on several studies, which reported the following from the Daily Mail.

1. Less affected by allergies

After age 50, one would be less likely to have allergies. This is because as we get older, your body produces only a few IgE antibodies, which trigger allergic reactions.Link

"In people with allergies, IgE level was increased when a small and stable in akshir age of 30. Then, start to decline at age 40 and 50s," said Dr Adrian Morris of Surrey Allergy Clinic, UK.

2. A better sex life

Surveys conducted by the National Council on Ageing found that people aged 60 or over and have sex regularly, have a more satisfying sex life than in the age of 40.

Although the condition is known to decrease libido in menopausal women, but some researchers believe that the satisfaction they can get. "In fact, with increasing age, it would be already reached lovemaking satisfaction," said dr. Debby Herbenick, of Indiana University.

3. Migraine is reduced

Some studies indicate 40 percent of women who suffer migraines are no longer under attack at age 65. This decrease in estrogen levels and estrogen, which is known as a very common trigger of migraine.

4. Be happier

The research team from Stanford University, USA to find a person tends to be more positive and emotionally stable, with age. Psychologists believe this is due to changes in the brain reaction to the situation.

Rather, changes in the work area of ​​the brain called the amygdala, the emotional process. This makes them feel calmer and happier in his life.

"The old-old, clearly indicating a preference in terms of memory and attention in a more positive than negative," said Dr. Laura Carstensen, head of research.

Six lifestyle to keep your hert healthy.

Heart attack or stroke is often delayed getting help because many are not aware of the symptoms that are considered trivial.Complaints of shortness of breath, feeling very tired to cough often signs of coronary artery disease. Unfortunately, the symptoms of this serious disease is often considered 'normal'. However, you can avoid or reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Want to know what? Dr. Manny Alvares stated, there are several lifestyle that takes you away from heart problems. It's six of them, as quoted by

1. Keep your cholesterol levels
Levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) is too high in the blood to form plaques, covering the inner walls of the arteries that serve the heart and nourishes the brain.

Plaque-filled arteries blood makes its way less flexible and narrow. This allows a heart attack or stroke occurs. Cholesterol is an essential part of a healthy body, but too much cholesterol your body makes owners vulnerable to cardiovascular disease.

2. No smoking
Many studies show that smoking is a major cause of coronary heart disease. Smoking increases blood pressure and the tendency of blood to clot.

According to the American Heart Association, those who smoke after bypass surgery, heart problems can be made over and over. Smokers are two to four times the risk of heart attack than those who do not smoke.

3. Physical activityKeep the body moving in the required portion would avoid the risk of heart disease. Daily work and medium-sized sports like running, dancing, cycling and walking for 30 minutes a day, five days a week can make your heart healthier.

4. Healthy eating
A healthy and balanced diet is essential to keep your heart healthy. Doctors recommend a Mediterranean diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids, vegetables and fruit for patients with heart disease or those who want to prevent heart disease.

5. Eat fish
Intake of fish at least three times a week is very important to fight heart disease. Fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel, have omega-3 fatty acids. The balance of omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 in the body is a powerful combination to reduce the risk of heart disease, according to the American Heart Association.

6. Eating nuts
Almonds, walnuts and pistachios are an excellent way to add healthy fats in your diet. Enter these foods in your daily diet.

TUNGAU The new drug of athma

These treatments enhance the immune system.

One study found a revolutionary drug in the treatment of asthma. These tablets are made from the dust mite protein that is commonly found in homes.

Immediately after drinking, pill will melt under the tongue and aims to enhance the immune system so it does not over-react when in contact with the feces of mites, a major trigger for asthma attacks.

The results of early trials showed that patients who take a pill every day will reduce the use of inhaled steroids - drugs that are often an option to keep an asthma attack. Trial involving 600 patients with asthma who are allergic to house dust mites revealed that one in three people with asthma who take this medicine to stop using their inhaled steroids.

Asthma can cause a fatal condition. One of asthma sufferers in the UK died seven hours after the attack. More than 70 thousand people from 5.2 million asthma sufferers in this country have to undergo treatment.

House dust mites are a major cause of wheezing and asthma attacks. The animal came from a family of spiders, measuring less than half a millimeter and has a white color. Mites breed in damp, dark places and the temperature 25 degrees Celsius.

Dead human skin cells is a favorite food of this animal. Not surprisingly, the population of mites are found in mattresses, pillows, clothing, carpets, chairs, and toys made from soft like a doll.

Mite feces contain protein and when inhaled or touched someone who is allergic to encourage the production of antibodies. This causes the release of a chemical called histamine in abundance. The impact is swelling and irritation of the respiratory tract, so people could hardly breathe.Patients who are sensitive to dust mite droppings are advised to take reasonable precautions, including cleaning the walls and floors with a damp cloth, using plastic to freeze pillows and curtains and toys are often used once a month.

Anti-asthma tablets was developed company ALK Abello Denmark, which also makes the anti-fever pills Grazax, from grass pollen.

Salt water for Bronchiolitis
Meanwhile, the doctor also sedag test in the form of salt water spray to treat common respiratory problems or bronchiolitis. Bronchiolitis is an infection of the lower respiratory tract and affect a third of babies and children in the first three years. This condition makes breathing swollen making it difficult to breathe.

Quite often children should be hospitalized. The treatment is now limited to supporting and providing oxygen. A study found that salt water spray can be inhaled to help children with Bronchiolitis. Three other studies mentioned, the child care at the hospital can be trimmed by a quarter with this new treatment.

Successful Women Tend to Smoking

A World Health Organization study found that smoking trends in women is influenced by their economic status.

In countries with a higher status men than women, the number of male smokers five times higher than women. But, in more developed countries, the number of women who smoke tobacco is almost equal to men.

In a statistical study of 74 countries, WHO said that the more advanced economic development makes the risk of premature death in wom
en increased.

WHO Representative, Douglas Bettcher, sai
d the findings show the need for developing the state authorities to act quickly to reduce the number of women who smoke. He said the tobacco epidemic in developing countries and least developed are still in their infancy. But, it could spread rapidly if it takes into account global trends.Excerpted from Genius Beauty, WHO recommends preventive measures increased smoking, including bans on tobacco advertising is directly related to women. In contrast, the spread of the dangers of tobacco education increased. In it should be emphasized that tobacco kills half of smokers.

Each year, five million people worldwide died from tobacco. By 2030, WHO estimates that this figure could increase to 8 million, unless the governments of the countries around the world to do prevention. (hp)

Try these food when you are tired

You feel tired? maybe there is something wrong from your lifestyle.

To support the activities of such a dense, healthy lifestyles should be
applied. -Eat a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and sleep
enough. But, if you feel tired all of a sudden attack when I had to keep
activity, should you look for the first time is the food.
Here are four foods that can give you instant energy, as reported by Genius Beauty.

1. Ruccola
Green leafy vegetables are one of the most nutritious foods.
In fact, folic acid contained in it can protect us
of depression. Ruccola leaves rich in compounds known to folic acid.

In addition, these vegetables also contain lots of calcium, approximately
6% of the daily intake and only 10 calories in one serving. Not only that, there are two important elements in the folate ruccola that has the same properties as folic acid and essential for normal formation and blood cells, and fiber that are essential for intestinal health. Ruccola also contains magnesium which gives us energy.

2. coffee
As you well know, caffeine triggers the production of dopamine or
happy hormones. In addition to making coffee lovers happier, a cup of coffee can give you more antioxidants than a glass of grape juice or a serving of spinach. Coffee also contains two phytonutrients that have antidepressant properties. People who drink several cups of coffee a day had a risk of depression and dementia is lower.

3. walnuts
Walnuts contain a complete set of energy components, both macro and
micro. Including magnesium, copper, iron, manganese, zinc, calcium, omega 3, vitamin E, folic acid and other B vitamins.

4. potato
Small potatoes with blue or red skin contains
phytonutrients like broccoli. Potatoes are also rich in acid
folate, iodine, and unusual food substances are known as
kukoamin. Kukoamin can help to lower blood pressure.

The story of TIE

Ties are familiar objects in our lives, these things are usually the neck accessory that is usually used by school children and an office employee, or other work which requires well-dressed. It turned out that since the stone age in the neck and chest accessory existing ones, particularly to characterize the group of men from higher strata. Ties have a long history up to today's familiar. The following history:

Ancient Roman Era
Ancient Rome was the fabric used to protect the neck, especially by the spokesman. In the development of the Roman army soldiers were wearing. Evidence of neck wear accessory fabric looks at the stone statue in the ancient tomb, Xian, China.
Age of Shakespeare (1564 - 1616)
Other famous neck accessories appear in Shakespeare (1564 - 1616), the "ruff". Stiff collar of white cloth was a big dish of similar shape around the neck. To maintain the shape, often starched ruff. Gradually people feel ruff that piles up to a thickness of several centimeters resulting in irritation.

The era of Louis XIV in 1660-an
This corresponds to the narrative in the book Chaile Francoise La Grande Historie de la Cravate (Flamarion, Paris, 1994). "... Around the year 1635, about six thousand soldiers and knights came to Paris, who was hired by Louis XIII and Richelieu. Their traditional clothing is very appealing. A single handkerchief tied around the neck in a special way. Handkerchiefs made of various fabrics, of a similar uniform, fine cotton, to silk. this unique style soon 'conquer France'. Moreover, this way more practical than a rigid collar. handkerchief was only tied, with the ends left loose. "

The 1860's era
cravat with long ends begin to resemble modern accessories alias neck tie. When the show mode collared shirt, tie concluded under the chin, the tip length is dangling in front of the shirt

Era of the 1890s
In this era came the bow ties are used to decorate the neck. This tie is different from previous periods, this difference is seen from the shape is like a butterfly

With advances in technology, is now a tie so the more variety of colors, designs, and textures. As a result, more than 100 million neckties tie raided various outlets each year.

5 tips safety in travelling

In addition to safety and comfort of the launch activities of your travel, health is also important. Do not let holiday disrupted because you get sick on the way. Follow the 5 tips healthy while traveling, as quoted from detiktravel.
1. Sleep Enough
Do not sleep until late at night before the day of departure. Save your energy. In addition, when traveling, sleep enough. Set the sleep time in a place to stay in order to get quality rest. You do not want to travel hampered if you are sick is not it?

2. Pure Water is available
Water plays an important role in maintaining your health. Drink at least 2 liters of water every day of the trip. If the lack of water, then your body will get weak and dehydrated. Prepare a water bottle in your bag to maintain stamina and physical condition. Do not forget to fill your water by purchasing water or fill the drinking water at each rest area.

3. Bring Drugs
Bring your own medicines. Usually the disease that attacks the traveler is heartburn, dizziness or abdominal pain. But perhaps other health problems such as coughs and colds, can attack you. Prepare medications that can relieve the symptoms. If you have a specific brand preference medication, take it as well. Who knows drugs are not sold at your favorite travel destination.

4. Socialize
Did you know, socializing can relieve stress? Try to meet and communicate in every new place you visit. In addition to friends, this can help you to relieve stress. Socialization can you do with anyone, from the local guide, a fellow traveler, or even the shop keepers near attractions.

5. Buy disposable underwear or take it more
Clean underwear is important in maintaining your health while traveling. Fungi will quickly grow on moist and wet environments such as dirty clothes. Buy a disposable underwear in the supermarket, or bring your clothes in an amount sufficient for your use during the trip.

Please manage your time

1. Make a list of all the things that you need to get done in a given time period (day, week, month, etc.)
2. Realistically approximate the amount of time each task will take to complete.
3. Factor in easily overlooked tasks, such as transportation time and preparation.
4. Eliminate any non-essential items.
5. Prioritize the tasks in order of importance and urgency.
6. Set about accomplishing these tasks as soon as possible, avoiding procrastination.

Tips:1. Don't feel bad saying "no" to requests for you time that will just add extra stress to your life.
2. Learn from colleagues and web sites to see how others have successfully managed their time.
3. Remember: The basis of effective time management lies in the fact that we cannot accomplish every single thing that we would like to accomplish.

Let's have a joke

Before you read any further, please note that this is not a piece out to damage or cut down the important role of women in our society. Read below only as humour and nothing more. These are intended solely for a good laugh.

Women are unique in many ways (and by this I mean different than men) and its this specific uniqueness or certain traits that I refer to when likening a woman to a personal computer. Do not get offended; it is intended to create a smile.

1) A woman is like a computer in that she costs more than you thought it would.

2) A woman resembles a personal computer in that she will not do exactly what you thought it will.

3) After a while, you simply cannot do without both: your computers and your woman.

4) Computers are just like women: after you have gotten used to them and cannot do without them, you discover that one is not enough.

5) Some computers, like some women, serve many people.

6) You can work miracles with both by gently using your fingers if you only know the proper code.

7) If you are inactive with them for more than fifteen minutes, they go off.

8) Just like a computer, the one who runs her has more privileges than just anyone else who is just running her.

9) When there are short-circuits of electricity, they shut you off and then you cannot always return to what was before the short-circuit.

10) Normally, they are available and receptive in the night, but its a lot better when they are available and receptive in the morning.

11) When you are, at last, sure that they will do what you wanted, they go off and do something else.

12) The only thing that you predict about the future with them is that they will react unpredictably.

13) Just like women, so too for computers: every year a new model is released that is younger, more advanced and gives a lot more.

14) A woman is just like a computer: you are happy with what you have but when you see what your friends have got, you are sure you want what they have.

15) Women are like computers in that no matter how much you improve and put into them, they only improve for a short time and then go back to their same old pace.

16) Women are like computers in that every day a new program comes out promising to revolutionize your knowledge and use of them, but after spending a lot more cash you realize that none of them work better than the old one you had before.

17) Women are like computers: you always want what others have and they want what you have but you cannot switch even for a trial basis.

18) Women are like computers in that when you get them you are sure that they are the best. But when the days go back, you wonder why you did not get them with a replacement note.
