Get Better in 50 age

Do not be afraid to face the age of 50. Indeed, you will face menopause. But, at this age a lot in terms of health benefits that can be obtained. Starting from a better sex life, rarely suffer from allergies and many more.
Do not believe it? Find out fun facts at the age of 50 based on several studies, which reported the following from the Daily Mail.

1. Less affected by allergies

After age 50, one would be less likely to have allergies. This is because as we get older, your body produces only a few IgE antibodies, which trigger allergic reactions.Link

"In people with allergies, IgE level was increased when a small and stable in akshir age of 30. Then, start to decline at age 40 and 50s," said Dr Adrian Morris of Surrey Allergy Clinic, UK.

2. A better sex life

Surveys conducted by the National Council on Ageing found that people aged 60 or over and have sex regularly, have a more satisfying sex life than in the age of 40.

Although the condition is known to decrease libido in menopausal women, but some researchers believe that the satisfaction they can get. "In fact, with increasing age, it would be already reached lovemaking satisfaction," said dr. Debby Herbenick, of Indiana University.

3. Migraine is reduced

Some studies indicate 40 percent of women who suffer migraines are no longer under attack at age 65. This decrease in estrogen levels and estrogen, which is known as a very common trigger of migraine.

4. Be happier

The research team from Stanford University, USA to find a person tends to be more positive and emotionally stable, with age. Psychologists believe this is due to changes in the brain reaction to the situation.

Rather, changes in the work area of ​​the brain called the amygdala, the emotional process. This makes them feel calmer and happier in his life.

"The old-old, clearly indicating a preference in terms of memory and attention in a more positive than negative," said Dr. Laura Carstensen, head of research.

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