The story of TIE

Ties are familiar objects in our lives, these things are usually the neck accessory that is usually used by school children and an office employee, or other work which requires well-dressed. It turned out that since the stone age in the neck and chest accessory existing ones, particularly to characterize the group of men from higher strata. Ties have a long history up to today's familiar. The following history:

Ancient Roman Era
Ancient Rome was the fabric used to protect the neck, especially by the spokesman. In the development of the Roman army soldiers were wearing. Evidence of neck wear accessory fabric looks at the stone statue in the ancient tomb, Xian, China.
Age of Shakespeare (1564 - 1616)
Other famous neck accessories appear in Shakespeare (1564 - 1616), the "ruff". Stiff collar of white cloth was a big dish of similar shape around the neck. To maintain the shape, often starched ruff. Gradually people feel ruff that piles up to a thickness of several centimeters resulting in irritation.

The era of Louis XIV in 1660-an
This corresponds to the narrative in the book Chaile Francoise La Grande Historie de la Cravate (Flamarion, Paris, 1994). "... Around the year 1635, about six thousand soldiers and knights came to Paris, who was hired by Louis XIII and Richelieu. Their traditional clothing is very appealing. A single handkerchief tied around the neck in a special way. Handkerchiefs made of various fabrics, of a similar uniform, fine cotton, to silk. this unique style soon 'conquer France'. Moreover, this way more practical than a rigid collar. handkerchief was only tied, with the ends left loose. "

The 1860's era
cravat with long ends begin to resemble modern accessories alias neck tie. When the show mode collared shirt, tie concluded under the chin, the tip length is dangling in front of the shirt

Era of the 1890s
In this era came the bow ties are used to decorate the neck. This tie is different from previous periods, this difference is seen from the shape is like a butterfly

With advances in technology, is now a tie so the more variety of colors, designs, and textures. As a result, more than 100 million neckties tie raided various outlets each year.

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